#85: Protein Restriction | Lidocaine for Hair Loss? | Brain Size, Intelligence, and Symptom Recognition with Ray Peat

"What could be more important to understand than biological energy? Thought, growth, movement, every philosophical and practical issue involves the nature of biological energy." — Raymond Peat

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00:00 - Intro, protein, methionine restriction, "high protein Ray Peat diet"

04:50 - Amino acids, Broda Barnes, lifespan, tryptophan, cysteine, methionine, mTOR, calorie restriction

8:08 - Is methionine more thyroid suppressive than Ray initially thought?

9:35 - Would methionine restriction help sick people?

12:10 - How did Ray arrive at 50 grams of protein to experiment with?

13:28 - Is it a good idea to increase carbohydrate if you reduce protein?

14:45 - How has a lower protein intake influenced Ray's liver consumption?

16:00 - How does methionine suppress thyroid function?

16:44 - Do people with physically larger brains notice more symptoms?

21:20 - Strategies for people that can take a lot of progesterone without effect? Strategies for people with liver disease?

24:30 - Nicotine and the cholinergic system, what accounts for tobacco's widespread use?

26:28 - How does methionine relate to estrogen and serotonin, which can deplete glycogen?

27:42 - Lidocaine as a topical for hair loss?

29:00 - Ray's clarification on gentle massage for hair loss

30:44 - The common phenomenon of overdosing with cynoplus and cynomel, using a scale

36:33 - Are things still going to plan for the technocrat oligarchs? Dumbed down culture, CBDCs, food shortages

42:42 - 'A Message for Americans' and 'Get Ready for the Economic Collapse' by Gonzalo Lira

47:02 - Ray's preparation for nuclear war, remedies for radiation exposure

49:35 - In a dystopian future, what does Ray think the function of the Mexican cartels would be?