
Bioenergetic Basics #2: Safe (and Unsafe) Ways of Using Aspirin

"If a newly discovered substance had aspirin’s antiinfective, anticancer, antistress, antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions it would be the most researched substance in history." — Ray Peat (2013)


📝 Bioenergetic Basics 6-Part Crash Course:
Patreon: https://bit.ly/bbcoursepat
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00:00 - Intro

00:55 - Brands that only contain starch as an additive (gericare) or using a pure powder USP

01:58 - Dissolving aspirin in hot water with baking soda

03:50 - The essentiality of supplementing vitamin K (in olive oil [not MCT oil]) when using aspirin

05:25 - The dose of aspirin depends on the health situation (https://t.me/dannyroddy/1241)

07:27 - Thoughts on how much aspirin should be used at one time