
Great post!

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Jan 30Liked by Danny Roddy

Thanks Danny. So much amazing info in 12 mins ! Also glad things are calming down a bit in the ray peat world. Hope your doing well in Mehico.

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Danny, glad to talk with you. Excellent video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What about the chemicals excipients on Cytomel and Cynoplus

they use stuff like silica [glass powder]

What you say about that


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Jan 25·edited Jan 26Liked by Danny Roddy

Sending love your way. Georgie can go eat it :D

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Jan 24Liked by Danny Roddy

Thx for this Danny, you can also raise the bed 6" at the head for better sleep.

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Jan 24Liked by Danny Roddy

Hi Danny what do you think about Desiccated Bovine Thyroid ?

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Jan 24Liked by Danny Roddy

Fantastic post Danny!!

Concise and chock full of goodies.


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Jan 24Liked by Danny Roddy

Thanks. I’ve been on this type of eating since September. I was low carb and some periods of keto for a decade. But now I’m hypothyroid, thin bones plus elevated bp. Bad sleep. For a small boned senior, I found I was under eating in a big way. So I started with 3 meals a day. Stopped IF in September. I’m listening to you, Georgie, Jay Feldman and Kate Deering. My sleep has improved dramatically. My temps are up some. My pulse stays around 72-78. I walk a lot. But since Christmas I have some gas and bloating, (no belching though). I have started charcoal and seems less now. I think I have put on a few pounds. I feel satisfied and calm mostly. Im not up much past 1400 calories but nearing 125-150 carb grams. I’m smallish. No arthritis or chronic pain. I eat some dairy and eggshell calcium to ramp up levels. I was way under. Im starting to recognize blood sugar spikes. I only take a thyroid supplement containing various dessicated bovine thyroid plus organs from my functional medicine doctor. Other supplements like you take. I’ve started some aspirin. Last night before bed I had a small dish of Hagen daz vanilla with some clean preserves made with cane sugar. Right Afterwards I felt very strange—like something I’m assuming stressful rising up inside me. It was odd and uncomfortable. I had a small piece of cheese and it then disappeared. I fell asleep normal. Was this a severe bs spike? Even with sugar snack? Let’s face it, I’m 75. But I’ve always tried to keep healthy outside the failing conventional medicine space. I feel betrayed by the low carb keto people. Are there things I need to consider at my age? Thanks for what you and Georgie do. I am fascinated by your videos.

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Jan 24Liked by Danny Roddy

Much love to you, brother.

Thank you.

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Thanks you for the info 🙏 Question, would D3 in MCT used topically on skin still produce irritation? And if used topically without K2 still produce relaxation or must both be present for effect to take place? Thanks again

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Thank you my friend!!!!!!!! [Very good to talk with you, very good; a hug from Brazil!! My daughter loves you and you little farm!]

Yes, Cytomel [FDA] says = Inactive ingredients consist of calcium sulfate,

gelatin, starch, stearic acid, sucrose and talc. Whic are not inactive...

Talc, as you know, promotes diabetes.

Adn they hide this information all over the way.

May I find something better perhaps, that you know. I saw the product of Tom, thyroid extract, and they put silica...

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