Sep 17Liked by Danny Roddy

Thank you Danny. Much love to you. I miss Ray but I’ve been re-listening to old interviews. I’m seeing things clearer now than ever before. I can see how much I underestimated the effects of stress/trauma on my health. My sister and I were talking earlier today about how abuse, alcoholism, birth control etc from a young age set us up for what we’ve been through as adults. At age 60, I’m finally starting to see it clearer. Thank you for all you do. You make a difference.

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Sep 18Liked by Danny Roddy

Hey Danny !

Really enjoy these little snippets. But I gotta ask, when is my favourite show coming back? Perhaps with Giorgi, miss the old team...

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Hey hey -- Generative Energy is retired and there won't be anymore episodes.

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Sep 17Liked by Danny Roddy

Hey I love listening to your podcast, but miss Georgi too. Could you bring him on your show sometime? Look forward to it. Thank you

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Generative Energy is retired and there won't be anymore episodes.

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Sep 17Liked by Danny Roddy

What?! Wow, the end of a great run. Just checked and glad to see the old ones are in place, so many I want to listen too, and several I have heard a number of times. I have learned so much from them and really enjoy listening to you and Ray Peat and Georgi talking about things.

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Sep 17Liked by Danny Roddy

Helpful. And a very different approach from that which is normally taken by those promoting Ray Peat. Many now are getting pseudo religious about it all trying to argue that the Peat diet imparts and mystical energy it’s very different from don’t do anything to harm yourself.

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Could you do an “all things aspirin” episode with Georgi? I hear all NSAIDS including aspirin can constrict kidney blood vessels due to cox receptor there. The most fascinating topic you guys have covered. 🙏

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I can't think of many things that have been talked about more. Have you looked on this website? https://bioenergetic.life/?q=aspirin

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I will look thanks. It’s just that every time it’s mentioned it’s little clips within a larger context of several topics. Thanks for the link!!!!!

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Thanks :) I was wondering what would be a good quantity of conventional eggs consumption? Concerned about all those pufas in eggs. So maybe one a day? or every other day would be good? Also considering raising chickens :)

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Aloha Danny! I'm a dietitian and work at a dialysis clinic where we review labs monthly regarding a patients phos/PTH/Ca values. Most of my work is keeping patients phosphorus in check to prevent cardiovascular complications in addition to osteodystrophy. I'm curious if you think high Phos to low Ca consumption could be consider a cause of kidney disease? We mostly attribute it to poor diabetes and HTN control, however I also wonder if chronic hyperphosphatemia is also playing a roll. Whats interesting is I have been taught to discourage dairy consumption as it is moderately high in phosphorus. I understand that d/t the high calcium content of dairy, the ratio to phosphorus is overall beneficial, however I wonder if I should be encouraging more dairy for my patients and focus more on restricting phosphorus additives in foods. I do typically encourage Greek yogurt for the protein content and lower phosphorus then traditional yogurts however.

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To elaborate further, I have been taught that hyperphosphatemia signals the parathyroid to excrete PTH, thus releasing calcium from the bone. But what you are seeing in the research its actually the calcium deficiency signaling PTH? Or having adequate calcium in the system prevents the high phosphorus cascade of PTH?

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